Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rules of the Family

1. We allow one on ones to stay as one on ones.  The second someone threatens to bring in family you need to bring that threat to the attention of one of the ranking officers in the room, preferribly a capo or skipper.  We like to be prepared for a situation before it goes down.  Your page and your oponents page will be monitored however you will be expected to continue with your one on one till the comments become rude and uncalled for or they start to send in family to fight for them.

2. We do not make threats or hatefull comments on anyones pages.  We play with respect, we play for fun and sport.  Under no cercumstances do we ever threaten to bring in the family, or threaten to let them meet the family.  Our biggest advantage if the element of surprise.  We never want to give that up and loose our edge.  We will not back you if you leave hatefull comment and god help you if you make a racial slur or bash the military on a comment page because we will kick you from teh family and engage war on you ourselves for bringing down the family name.  Keep your cursing to a min.  we can express ourselves without childish slang or cursing, sometimes making fun and laughing at an opponient will inflict more harm on them then disrespecting yourself with cursing.

3. The chain of command needs to be respected.  Even if you are not in agreeance with the leaderships decisions you are to never exicute an argument with an officer or a member of the family administation openly in the room.  Feel free to email the boss, consierglere or godmother with your greivience.  However anyone found to be argumentitive with an officer in the room will be asked to leave on the grounds of lack of respect.

4.  When you are playing the game we would like you to join us in the room.  We want to hear regular updates of your progress so we can offer assistance to help you grow.  Chat in the room is to remain respectful and at a pg lvl.  We have a variety of backgrounds all playing as one and we need to respect all gender, racial, religious and livestyle choices.  No talk of sex, drugs or other adult content will be tollerated.  Anyone engaging in such topics will be spoken with and allowed 1 more chance to get it right before they will be asked to leave.  Just like in the comments please keep the cursing in the room to a min.

5.  Everyone who joins us will be an associate.  We have no offical timeline of when you will move up to be a soldier however 1 requirement you must meet is to bring in 1 recruite who stays with us.  After that you need to step up as a tutor, leader, and team mate and allow yourself to be noticed by the officers for your efforts.  We will be looking at the improvements you've made in your personal game and the knowledge you pass on to your team mates, your willingness to jump in and help out when someone need help.  When an officer brings you to the boss's attention we will start to pay attention to your team work skills  and make you a soldier.  At that point the possibility of a promotion to a higher rank within the family will be decided by the Administration.

6. All family members are important,, ideas and suggestions are welcome, and the suggestions for alliances will be considered and investigated with the up most importance.  Every suggestion for an alliance will be considered although not all families will meet doa standards so not all will be accepted,, however we dont want that to discourage you from bringing them to our attention. Only soldier or higher can make requests for alliances.  associates are on probation to prove themselves, become a recognized member of the family and your suggestions will be taken seriously.  So step up early, get your recruite in early and show us your here to play some serious mobsters and you will be respected and trusted.